What are examples of artificial intelligence in healthcare?

Among the examples of artificial intelligence in healthcare, deep learning is a promising technique for detecting anomalies. It is widely used to increase the diagnostic process. Running deep learning experiments is, in total, much cheaper than hiring researchers for that purpose. AI is also less likely to make mistakes and provide inaccurate diagnoses, and even so, it's easy to check at which step the system makes a mistake.

Examples of AI in healthcare help doctors make decisions, accelerating and improving the entire diagnostic process. Precision medicine is known to be one of the most valuable examples of AI in healthcare. Its base is based on the large amounts of data collected from several disruptive technological innovations, such as cheap genomic sequencing, advanced biotechnology and the health sensors that patients use in their homes. Remember that precision medicine is based on advanced supercomputing algorithms with deep learning.

Therefore, it uses the cognitive abilities of doctors on a new scale. In collaboration with the Scripps Research Institute of California (USA). (USA), Intel has developed a deep learning algorithm. It was able to identify 23 patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease, not detected by traditional statistical methods, with an accuracy of 85%.

In addition, Google DeepMind and IBM Watson are known for being the leaders in the mining of medical records. The goal, here, is to create a cognitive assistant equipped with a variety of clinical knowledge, as well as analytical and reasoning skills. Artificial intelligence has played a key role in the early prediction of medical conditions such as heart attacks. Many handheld AI-based health trackers have been developed to monitor a person's health and display warnings when the device detects something unusual or unlikely.

Examples of these portable devices include Fitbit, Apple Watch, and many others. This technology performs structured digital tasks for administrative purposes, that is, those that involve information systems, as if it were a human user following a script or rules. Compared to other forms of AI, they are inexpensive, easy to program and transparent in their actions. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) doesn't actually involve robots, just computer programs on servers.

It is based on a combination of workflow, business rules and the integration of the “presentation layer” with information systems to act as a semi-intelligent user of the systems. In the healthcare industry, they are used for repetitive tasks, such as prior authorization, updating patient records, or billing. When combined with other technologies, such as image recognition, they can be used to extract data, for example, from faxed images for input into transactional systems. 7.An example of artificial intelligence in healthcare related to the development of new tools is the use of natural language processing (NLP) to accelerate clinical trials.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence is basically ubiquitous and represents a real milestone in many sectors, including the health industry. Now let's discuss how Artificial Intelligence uses deep learning techniques to improve medical diagnosis. Examples of artificial intelligence in healthcare refer not only to the scientific aspect of developing new tools and drugs and the acceleration of diagnostic processes, but also to business-related fields, such as decision-making. Twill describes itself as “The Intelligent Healing Company”, which offers digital health products and partners with companies, pharmaceutical companies and health plans to develop products using its intelligent healing platform.

Innovative medical devices are a great example of artificial intelligence technology used in healthcare in relation to imaging tools. Although Artificial Intelligence invokes fear in most of us, it is benefiting us in numerous ways. We've put together some examples of how AI helps health centers to better manage the flow of patients. AI in healthcare examples provides benefits to the diagnostic process and, therefore, increases the efficiency of the entire treatment.

This blog will help you understand the positive impact of artificial intelligence on health. Different examples of artificial intelligence in healthcare clarified important functions and processes that AI can significantly improve. Sensely is one such example of a virtual nurse who implements natural language processing, voice recognition, machine learning and wireless integration with medical devices, such as blood pressure cuffs, to provide medical assistance to patients. Google, for example, collaborates with health service delivery networks to create prediction models based on big data to warn doctors about high-risk conditions, such as sepsis and heart failure.

There's no better reflection of that phrase than AI-powered risk mitigation in healthcare examples. Improving efficiency, accelerating the diagnostic process and increasing patient participation are just some of the long list of examples of artificial intelligence in health care that represent significant value from the perspective of the entrepreneur. .

Hilary Raney
Hilary Raney

Unapologetic reader. Professional social media scholar. Professional tv nerd. Hipster-friendly food scholar. Wannabe food fanatic.