What are the 4 types of artificial intelligence ai?

Reactive machines are AI systems that have no memory and are task-specific, meaning that an input always offers the same output. The next type of AI in its evolution is limited memory. Many people are familiar with some of the subsets of artificial intelligence (AI), such as machine learning and natural language processing, but don't know that there are four types of artificial intelligence. Next, we discuss what you need to know about the four types of reactive AI, limited memory, theory of mind, and self-aware artificial intelligence.

Narrow artificial intelligence (ANI), also known as narrow AI or weak AI, describes AI tools designed to carry out very specific actions or commands. ANI technologies are designed to serve and excel in a cognitive capacity, and they cannot independently learn skills beyond their design. They often use machine learning algorithms and neural networks to complete these specified tasks. Some examples of narrow artificial intelligence include image recognition software, autonomous cars and AI virtual assistants such as Siri.

General artificial intelligence (AGI), also called general AI or strong AI, describes AI that can learn, think and perform a wide range of actions similar to humans. The purpose of designing general artificial intelligence is to be able to create machines that are capable of performing multifunctional tasks and that act as realistic and equally intelligent assistants for humans in everyday life. Although it is still a work in progress, the foundations of general artificial intelligence could be built on technologies such as supercomputers, quantum hardware and generative AI models such as ChatGPT. This type of AI is called limited-memory AI, because it can create its own limited knowledge base and use that knowledge to improve over time.

For example, AI that processes natural language is a type of limited intelligence because it can recognize voice commands and respond to them, but it cannot perform other tasks beyond that. This type of AI uses historical observational data in combination with pre-programmed information to make predictions and perform complex classification tasks. Not only will this type of AI be able to understand and evoke emotions in the people it interacts with, but it will also have its own emotions, needs, beliefs and, potentially, desires. Researchers in artificial emotional intelligence are already making headway, but much work remains to be done before AI can treat each human being in a way appropriate to the situation.

Theory of mind AI will be better equipped to work with humans in an emotionally intelligent way than other forms of AI. According to this system, an AI that can perform more human-like functions with equivalent levels of competence will be considered a more evolved type of AI, while an AI that has limited functionality and performance would be considered a simpler and less evolved type. There are a lot of AI discoveries and developments underway, most of which fall into different types. The alternative classification system that is most commonly used in technological language is the classification of technology into Narrow Artificial Intelligence (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI).

General artificial intelligence is the ability of an AI agent to fully learn, perceive, understand and function like a human being.

Hilary Raney
Hilary Raney

Unapologetic reader. Professional social media scholar. Professional tv nerd. Hipster-friendly food scholar. Wannabe food fanatic.