What is an example of an intelligent decision support system?

GPS is a common example of a decision support system used today. A GPS will help plan the fastest route between two points by analyzing all possible options. Most GPS systems can also monitor traffic in real time, helping drivers avoid traffic jams. An intelligent decision support system (IDSS) is a decision support system that makes extensive use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques.

The use of AI techniques in management information systems has a long history; in fact, terms such as knowledge-based systems (KBS) and intelligent systems have been used since the early 1980s to describe the components of management systems, but it is believed that the term intelligent decision support system originated with Clyde Holsapple and Andrew Whinston in the late 1970s. Some examples of specialized intelligent decision support systems are flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), intelligent marketing decision support systems, and medical diagnostic systems. The intelligent behaviors that an intelligent system presents are related to the ability to collect and incorporate domain knowledge, learn from the knowledge acquired, reason about that knowledge and, when asked, be able to issue recommendations and justify the results. The basic ideas of intelligence are to study the thinking processes of humans, trying to represent and duplicate those processes through machines (e.g., we would like to see more applications of the IDSS of human resources and intelligent techniques applied to different problem domains in the field of human resources management) in order to expand our horizon of academic and practical work on the IDSS of human resources.

There are some studies on the applications of IDSS in human resources and the intelligent techniques used are shown in Table 3.Most of the IDSS applications listed in Table 1 use the conventional name of IDSS and, of course, are different in terms of purpose, implementation, design and applied intelligent techniques. Passive DSS is a traditional DSS with functionalities to react as a personalized decision that supports embedded knowledge, without content and only for the user's static preferences. There are many areas, problem domains and intelligent techniques that academics and professionals should explore. Problem areas and domains that can be explored by researchers or developers of intelligent systems.

Intelligent skills and behaviors that are integrated with the computer system will produce an intelligent machine. The IDSS is an interactive, flexible, adaptable system specifically developed to support the solution of an unstructured management problem to improve decision-making (Quintero et al. However, human decisions are subject to this limitation because sometimes people forget the crucial details of the problem and, in addition, fairness and coherence are very important in any type of decision. For these reasons, this study presents an idea for applying the IDSS approach to human resources decision-making activities through the use of some of the possible intelligent techniques.

DSS applications that are integrated with intelligent components can improve traditional DSS, for example, in terms of reasoning and learning capabilities, also known as IDSS. In that case, the IDSS gives the user full control with respect to the acquisition of information, the evaluation and the making of the final decision.

Hilary Raney
Hilary Raney

Unapologetic reader. Professional social media scholar. Professional tv nerd. Hipster-friendly food scholar. Wannabe food fanatic.